Radomir Stevanovic

Results 79 comments of Radomir Stevanovic

Except Windows. I don't think `HOME` made in there yet (although, they are now in the *embracing* and/or *extending* phase, so it's probably just a matter of time). But I...

There is `USERPROFILE`, but I'm not sure I would call it a `HOME` equivalent, because roaming profiles use a different base dir. Maybe that's irrelevant. Before proceeding to add this...

No, we can add it. I see [`os.path.expanduser("~")`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#os.path.expanduser) works on all platforms, so it shouldn't be too big of a hack. But until we add it, it's good to know...

On closer inspection, I'm not sure [`MockLeapHybridSolver`](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-system/blob/082c95b2d48c481a7dcf9d72d16a118a06735c68/dwave/system/testing.py#L97) should live in `dwave.system.testing`. It's not a `dimod.Sampler`, but rather a `dwave.cloud.Solver`. If this class is a one-off for use in the [unitttest](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-system/blob/082c95b2d48c481a7dcf9d72d16a118a06735c68/tests/test_leaphybridsolver.py#L30),...

I suggest we: 1) wait for the [lightweight client](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/118), 2) implement this as a utility function available as `dwave.system.samplers.get_samplers()` or similar. Reasons: 1) prevent system resources depletion, 2) hierarchy; makes...

A great start would be to simply implement a utility function for (2) or (4), IMO.

Just to clarify, are you talking about testing the sampling / user program, or testing the actual `Connection` object? [`dimod`](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dimod) in `v1.0` (stable release due soon) will provide a consistent...

Oh, I see. If wrapping the `microclient` with `dimod` is not an option, then a mock `Connection` would be a good way to go. The other option you mention, a...

So, @arcondello, you were referring to `numpy` `bool`s passed as values for params to solver (keyword arguments to `Solver.sample_*`)?

@arcondello, I believe the right approach would be something like this https://github.com/dwavesystems/dimod/issues/599.