
Results 70 comments of quassy

@tchotchke87 Do you still have the issue after following these instructions?

The SVG icon you linked should have a proper licence, best GPL v3, instead of "for all", then someone could make use of it to design an elementary-styled icon.

It looks okay, but I personally think it shouldn't be square (like so many others). Perfect chance for diamond shape ;)

Like this? ![mendeley](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/369996/8535545/fb526924-2446-11e5-94d9-2aabbdf3ebe1.png)

Modified the [original icon](https://github.com/gnumdk/lollypop/blob/master/data/icons/hicolor/lollypop.svg), not really happy yet. ![lollypop](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/369996/8535915/a7e75c00-244a-11e5-9c91-e4408b517712.png)

Good idea, I will have a look. _(First I gotta find out how to use bzr on Windows. Yep, Windows. Coding is a PITA. Edit, sorry for more off-topic: Yes,...

Maybe the [icon from elementary-add](https://github.com/varlesh/elementary-add/blob/master/elementary-add/apps/48/dconf-editor.svg) could be used as base (only 48px atm).

> I looks like a search tool Hm, yes. I wonder which icon metapher would be the best to represent "registry", "pro settings", "about:config"... ![Windows](http://thewindowsclub.thewindowsclubco.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/regedit-tile.jpg) ![Pacifica](http://www.icon100.com/up/3908/64/183-dconf-editor.png) > ...beside that, there...

Wow sleek ;). Considering the icon is often used in conjunction with "VeraCrypt" as text, in form of smaller sizes (where the text won't be legible) and it's in the...

If you by any chance have compiled a list of the standard sizes it would be nice if you could share it :) elementary guidelines are not really detailed. Would...