
Results 70 comments of quassy

Thanks, edited and uploaded :). There is not really a preferred way, if the whole window is in the screenshot it's fine (I cut them at the borders) [Tweaks](http://quassy.github.io/elementary-apps/elementary%20Tweaks/), [Webby](http://quassy.github.io/elementary-apps/Webby/),...

Screenshots for the following apps are stil missing, contributions would be welcome, though most of them are probably abandoned. - [ ] elementary Dropbox Mods - [ ] Synopsis -...

My plan is to freeze this site for Freya (with a big fat header telling everyone it's for Freya only and maybe make some last updates to remove very old...

That is planned, at least if the app has a PPA, .deb package or is in the official sources. The apps that are missing installation instructions either do not have...

So you mean badges like "[stable version available](https://octicons.github.com/icon/check/)", "[unstable version available](https://octicons.github.com/icon/rocket/)", "[looking for programmers](https://octicons.github.com/icon/code/)", "[looking for translators](https://octicons.github.com/icon/globe/)" (not sure if those are the best choice, but I'm using Octicons right...

I think for now I will add a list of _developer links_ to certain special files: Readme, Install (or Build), License (or Copying), Authors, News (or Changes, Changelog). Copying that...

Is it possible to run the addin from console or similar? Currently I use an automator script to toggle macOS light / dark mode (so it's just Spotlight + "toggle"...

Nice, it works with some tweaking. For reference this is my whole `.Rprofile` ``` if ( interactive() && requireNamespace("rsthemes", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("later", quietly = TRUE) ) { #...

I... am not sure I can follow 😅.

I can confirm this issue and I don't use `recursive=True`. @martindurant You are not seeing the issue because your input lpaths are sorted. Try it with an unsorted list and...