
Results 70 comments of quassy

As I don't like my version of Chrome (seems to be too flat) and am not too confident with Inkscape, I have published the branch [`add-chrome-ium`](https://github.com/mank319/elementaryPlus/tree/add-chrome-ium). Maybe someone (_cough_ @RafaelCz?...

As the installer has experienced quite a lot of changes since, is this still an issue?

Thanks for your report, please report back with some more info. If you mean the icon in the dock (bottom), then you are right it is currently missing and this...

Thanks for your pull request which is a great first contribution! Your new icon looks much better indeed, but it'd be great if you could fix two problems I came...

Which version of elementary are you using? Could you check if the file `/usr/share/icons/elementary/apps/128/system-software-installer.svg` is present on your system? The Synaptic icon is only a link, maybe elementary has removed...

We already used some of the elementary add icons and vice versa. Also sadly it seems just as inactive as elementaryPlus :/

You are right, but at the moment we are in dire need of active contributors to keep development going otherwise we would push an outdated program and icon pack.

There should be an applet for Seafile already, but no normal application icon.

elementary+ should include support for the Viber status indicator #188. Apparently this is a bug with many apps, you have to edit the desktop file `/usr/share/applications/viber.desktop` (or similar) and add...

Some icons really look outdated, especially Firefox, Google+, Dropbox, xbmc...