Ivan Santos

Results 81 comments of Ivan Santos

Howdy! Is anyone working on that feature already? will that be part of the next release?

Would you mind adding a comment about `low traffic` canary services to avoid inconclusive releases (and might cause a rollback) where metrics are not generated due to 0 or low...

Thoughts on closing this one in favor of using kustomize instead?

@fatsheep9146 you can actually ignore these 2. Full code available here https://github.com/pragmaticivan/otel-pipeline-client-go/blob/main/pipelines/metrics.go I ended up finding a workaround to use something else, but deltas are still not available, and that...

I've been making some progress with a middleware here https://github.com/willsoto/nestjs-prometheus/issues/950 It covers most of the cases here.

If that helps someone here, I ended up creating a new library due to some urgency for some features and only relying on opentelemetry for both tracing and metrics. Ended...

Howdy! I've launched a new major version of nestjs-otel with improvements and now including full examples. (https://github.com/pragmaticivan/nestjs-otel) A full working example can be found in `/examples/nestjs-prom-grafana-tempo`. This includes a nestjs...

Keep an eye for an upcoming package for NestJS self instrumentation with OpenTelemetry! https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib/pull/553/files Also Fastify might be coming soon: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib/pull/611

Context: https://github.com/fluxcd/flagger/blob/main/pkg/router/ingress.go#L51 I think by getting `apiVersion` from `ingressRef` it's possible to conditionally support both.