Piotr Kuczynski

Results 170 comments of Piotr Kuczynski

@davemcorwin which package you downgraded to 2.2.1? I have a similar issue...

I ended up using `eslint-import-resolver-webpack`, which works just perfectly! Additionally, I am using `babel-plugin-webpack-alias` to use webpack aliases in babel/mocha

Well, I am not doing react native and only left the note for others, who might encounter similar issue :)

I would love to have this in!

It would be really good to have this in, so I can exclude e.g. `build` folders

Yeah, didn't like the naming myself but could not figure something else... As for the usage, in my case, I have a core `useApi` hook that exports generic `get`, `create`,...

I am with @xDivisionByZerox on this...

I don't like both names :) We should keep the whole thing private and used only internally, move things like `replaceCreditCardSymbols` closer to the usage and maybe expose some (`arrayElement`)...

> Do you have an alternative? Is util at least better or worse than helper(s)? Don't really see much different between those 2 (3) to be honest. > If you...

I would suggest dropping this function as we have `datatype.float`, which takes the precision parameter. WDYT?