PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

Even if I put them in the status bar, there'd be a problem with them being on the right: cascading menus to the right does not work well in left-to-right...

You could also talk to people on the discord, the Appearance and Appearance-Dev channels are good places to ask. There was a discussion just the other day (though actually it...

As of Quick Explorer 0.1.41, the explorer will show in the status bar if you are on Obsidian 0.16 and are using the Hidden or Native frame settings (in Settings...

Hm. How about I add a URL action to open a specific folder? Then you can use the URI Commands plugin to set up as many specific-folder commands as you...

You might find it a better workflow to do something like: 1. Set up a processing-specific workspace using the built-in workspaces plugin 2. In that workspace, either set the search...

Well, since the URI thing isn't something you're interested, I'm going to go ahead and close this. My only other suggestion besides that and the workspace thing is that you...

It would probably simpler to just allow relative paths, i.e. `.` for current folder, `..` for folder above, and so on. As far as the bottom thing is concerned, I'm...

Actually, it turns out I was incorrect about the performance issue: I was projecting due to the earlier comment by @montemartin, as I only just set up a URI command...

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about this, it's part of how Sliding Panes works. You might try enabling fixed width panes or disabling stacking, but I don't know...

Pane Relief 0.3.1 now has a simple sliding panes replacement that works on Obsidian 0.15.9, and is compatible with the new "tab stacking" feature of Obsidian 0.16.2 (currently an Insider-only...