PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

On further reflection, I've noticed that there's a pattern to the kind of issues I'm finding with the plugin: nearly all the things I'm reporting as bugs or requesting as...

So, maintainer sounds fine, except that I'm not sure how long I can commit to support -- especially since I'm worried that I might end up needing to replace the...

One thing I'd like to suggest is reifying things that should be objects, and turning the singleton objects into either statics or true singletons. Right now, the main objects in...

FYI, I've checked in a copy of my draft [here](https://github.com/pjeby/oidc-sso). It's a working proof of concept, as in it logs people in and out, manages their sessions/refresh/expiration, does OIDC `state`...

Just an update: my draft now has its own option and settings page, working independently of this plugin. I need to do some more work on error handling before I...

No problem, it's pretty much done now for my purposes at least. The error handling is purely filter-based at this point, but I only just finished the last place where...

FYI, the [new plugin](https://github.com/pjeby/oidc-sso) now supports silent login and recent login checks. Specifically: * There's an option you can set that will redirect logged-out users through the IdP every so...

Sure. By the way, rather than having a special option for a style sheet, shouldn't the plugin just import any css or scss files it needs? There's no need to...

I'm on Windows and don't really have any way to test that. But my guess is that those are tied to the browser history for Electron, rather than being Obsidian...

Hm. I'm on 0.13.19 and the navigate forward/back *commands* in Obsidian work correctly, i.e. they do the same as the buttons. Can you describe what is happening, and what you...