PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

No problem. Like I said, just thought you should know. :smile:

Huh. Small world! Anyway, don't worry about it, it's really not a big deal.

It would be nice if one of the options was manual sorting, i.e. add new files at the bottom of the list without changing the existing order, so one can...

Similar issue with links -- if you select `The Foo of "Bar"` and turn it into a hyperlink, you end up with `The Foo of "Bar` linked, with the final...

The issue is caused by 0.16's default theme setting fixed heights for buttons and other inputs. Setting `height: auto` inside Kanban's styles for buttons and textarea fixes the problem. (And...

I personally use tools that do `` and ``, rather than /toc at the close. So there are a LOT of formats out there.

I don't see any reason to do something novel -- there are already way too many ways to do it as-is.

@seamusdemora Some of us users are worried about how much Typora already takes upon itself to alter the contents of our files without our knowledge or consent. Even if Typora...

The "Tab" key toggles the previews on or off. If you turn it off, it will remain off until the next Obsidian restart or plugin update/re-enable.