PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

One possible way to do this would be block ids. e.g. `^my-multi-line-text` at the end of a paragraph, block quote, table, list, etc. You can put arbitrary amounts of text...

> We can afford to be more aggressive with a real markdown parser I looked over the parser and all it seems to be doing is duplicating info that you...

Try the "toggle stacking" command to temporarily turn off stacking (leaving sliding alone). That may help your problem as stacking mode is apparently very CPU intensive for the browser to...

I think the failure to activate the pane should really be considered an Obsidian bug, as it affects Obsidian just as much without this plugin installed. So I've [reported it...

I've updated this to add support for pkg/tool exe's. Any feedback on the PR?

If I may offer a suggestion, it might be simplest to just define global event handlers tied to the styles (e.g. `a.internal-link`). This would make it a *lot* easier to...

May I suggest using Mod-K Mod-V instead of this plugin? I'm not sure if Mod-K is Obsidian's default binding for "Insert Markdown link", it might just be what I've personally...

Mod is Obsidian's official way of describing "Control on PC / Cmd on Mac". So, Ctrl-K, Ctrl-V does the equivalent of this plugin (on PC), or Cmd-K, Cmd-V on Mac.

Hm. Would it perhaps be better to just capture the indent at parse time, though? I mean, the issue is that the node's `.indent` is 0 in my use case,...

The bigger problem here is that the miniglob library does not support cross-platform glob patterns: estrella should use something that does (e.g. node-glob), as to work correctly on Windows you...