PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

This can be configured using the Style Settings plugin: under Quick Explorer, choose "Hide Quick Explorer".

Deactivate both style settings and quick explorer, then reactivate them, and see if that works. If not, switch the order of activation. (The idea here is that Style Settings is...

There isn't one, but the ordering follows the order you turn them on in. Turning a plugin off, then on again will move it to the end of the list.

Can you paste the full error from the development console? Thanks.

It looks like you have a note with front matter for the `tag` or `tags` field that is not a string. Can you identify the specific note at issue, then...

The issue is that `- 2016` and similar tags are being interpreted as numbers by YAML, and Tag Wrangler expects strings. If a tag is just a number with no...

Have you tested these changes?

By setting it up to build on your docker hub account, then see if the builds work. You'll need to change the `${{ github.repository }}` on line 13 of docker-hub.yml...

So have you actually used the arm image and made sure it works?

Have you tried the upstream arm builds? Does poste.io even have arm builds to begin with? Looking at https://hub.docker.com/r/analogic/poste.io/tags it doesn't look like arm is supported, which means this entire...