According to [Oculus guidelines]( in order to make development build i need to put signature file exactly to `Project/Assets/Plugins/Android/assets/`. Following validation in `ProjenyConfigValidator` prevents me to do so. ``` C#...
All non-latin characters in filenames appear as codes like \ddd. This way them are stored in projectile.cache and displayed in projectile-find-file. If i manually edit cache file everything looks fine...
If targetDirectory/builds_folder points outside project and project has its own `.haxelib/hxcpp` it would be ignored since cpp compilation runs with `haxelib run hxcpp ...` inside build folder. The only easy...
Trying to move file from `./projects/my/src/ec` to the package ``, found moved file in `./proj/ec/foo/`. The reason: The line ```var index:Int = dotPath.lastIndexOf("." + packageName) + 1;``` works in...