I have a proposal. Introduce a tag for issues concerned with build process and add link to the [building page]( which will point to `label:building`. Also version (1.7.6) for extlib...
I would vote this request. I had discovered milton just now and it looks great, many thanks! Using modifier keys to spatial navigation is essential (especially if one using a...
Last hxcpp seems being able to deal with NDK >= r20. Unfortunately i could not build lime: there were a lot of errors during openal and pixman compilation. I guess...
I have a little investigation in this issue and can say following. Lime build tool as any other haxelib tool is a neko bytecode. During assemble lime does a lot...
@Aurel300 Playing around i've found MSVC cl.exe has no `/OUT` switch for defining resulting filename so it ignores blahblah.hdll and creates dll with default name. The [manual]( says `/Fe` switch...
@Aurel300 glad you liked the idea. As for me it doesn't look like overengineering but most appropriate place to apply oop. Several opened issues about support different platforms/toolchains would be...
I've made a dumb fix. Doubt if i should make a pr since i have no idea how it may affect performance or if there a simple way to change...
If there is no way to make conversion on the file gathering stage or to change format of data provider functions, ability to add such function (handler? abnormal hook? preprocessor?)...
I had succeeded compiling under msys (zlib, zlib-devel, libargp, libargp-devel installed) with following workaround added at the beginning of index.c ``` #if !defined(FNM_EXTMATCH) #define FNM_EXTMATCH 0 #endif ``` and modified...
I had same issue trying to debug my old openfl game. Despite `````` in project.xml had no effect, the ```-debug``` flag changes the thing. In my case auto connect to...