I would really do extra conditions to his other dialog options, they are only logic in first Chapter. Another example- this dialog should be started if hero has never been...
Second non logic dialog with Taran- should be fully depended` if he has never talk to Lester.. ```d instance DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST (C_INFO) { npc = NOV_1331_BaalTaran; nr = 1; condition =...
Barbq of Scavenger animation is missing in vanilla Gothic files. There are some non contents patch mods who add this missing ani. F.E. This patch adds it.
Hi Szap I can agree with you but lets aproach to presented below dialog option. Still should be avalaible only in first Chapter 1. Up of u guys.
This issue dont need to be fixed in PL version. Just checked and its properly. `AI_Output (other, self,"Sld_700_Lee_ARMOR_H_Info_08_01"); //Chciałbym dostać ciężką zbroję.` It means " I wish to get heavy...