gothic-1-community-patch copied to clipboard
Baal Taran in Old Camp has obselete dialog about assess to the castle
We can talk win Baal Taran after we selected a Camp and he has still obsolete dialog option about to help us to get inside a castle.
It should be impossible after we choose a camp!
FUNC int DIA_BaalTaran_IntoCastle_Condition() { if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero, DIA_BaalTaran_Greet)) && ( Npc_GetTrueGuild (hero)== GIL_NONE ) { return 1; }; };
To be honest his other dialog options should be only avalaible in Chapter 1 , In another chapters they are not logic as it focus to make decision for camp sellection..
changed to
FUNC int DIA_BaalTaran_IntoCastle_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero, DIA_BaalTaran_Greet))
&& (Npc_GetTrueGuild(hero) == GIL_NONE)
return 1;
Similar to #17/#65.
I would really do extra conditions to his other dialog options, they are only logic in first Chapter.
Another example- this dialog should be started if hero has never been in Swamp Camp. For example if he has never talk to Lester,,,,,
FUNC int DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero, DIA_BaalTaran_Greet))
return 1;
FUNC VOID DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft_Info()
AI_Output (other, self,"DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft_15_00"); //Bractwo Śniącego? A cóż to takiego?
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft_05_01"); //Jesteśmy wspólnotą wyznawców nowej wiary.
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft_05_02"); //Nasz obóz znajduje się na wschód stąd, na bagnie. Przyszedłem tutaj, by nauczać niewiernych takich jak ty słów Śniącego.
Second non logic dialog with Taran- should be fully depended` if he has never talk to Lester..
instance DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST (C_INFO)
npc = NOV_1331_BaalTaran;
nr = 1;
condition = DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_Condition;
information = DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_Info;
permanent = 0;
description = "Jak mogę dotrzeć do obozu Bractwa?";
FUNC int DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero, DIA_BaalTaran_Bruderschaft))
return 1;
FUNC VOID DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_Info()
AI_Output (other, self,"DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_15_00"); //Jak mogę dotrzeć do obozu Bractwa?
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_05_01"); //Jestem teraz zajęty, ale Baal Parvez powinien przebywać jeszcze w tym obozie.
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_BaalTaran_WayToST_05_02"); //Znajdziesz go gdzieś w pobliżu targowiska, po drugiej stronie zamku. Zdaję się, że ma tam nawet własną chatę!
if (Npc_GetTrueGuild(hero) == GIL_NONE)
Log_CreateTopic (CH1_JoinPsi, LOG_MISSION);
Log_SetTopicStatus (CH1_JoinPsi, LOG_RUNNING);
B_LogEntry (CH1_JoinPsi,"Nowicjusz imieniem Baal Parvez może mnie zaprowadzić do obozu na bagnie. Znajdę go na targowisku, za zamkiem Starego Obozu.");
I agree, but these aren't technically bugs in my opinion, but merely inconsistencies. The castle dialog is different, because it is related to a specific quest.