gothic-1-community-patch copied to clipboard
Gravo’s dialog about influential people is only logical until joining a camp
I would say it is a bug. These dialog options are to help Player to join to Old Camp and have sense only in first Chapter.
I went through his dialog and I think there is no indication for limiting the them to the first chapter. Especially since one of the NPCs he helps with is Gomez who the player meets comparably late.
Gravo’s services should extend beyond the first chapter, since they affect the attitude of the NPCs towards the player. If the player gets into a fight with them, say, in chapter two or three, Gravo should be able to still settle that.
I don’t see the need. Could you elaborate on which dialog you are talking about specifically?
Hi Szap I can agree with you but lets aproach to presented below dialog option. Still should be avalaible only in first Chapter 1.
Up of u guys.
Ah, I see. Yes, I agree. That is worth considering! Thank you
Provided fix:
changed to
FUNC INT DIA_Gravo_Influence_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero, DIA_Gravo_Hallo)
&& (Kapitel == 1))
return 1;