Paul Drummond
Paul Drummond
Is there a sample or demo that shows how to use the new additions from the Enemies project? I've tried adding the SkinTensionRenderer component to my mesh, along with a...
Transform attachments don't seem to work if the Skin Attachment Target is using the GPU option. I tested this in the Digital Human Sample package and the eye occlusion markers...
Thanks for the info. I'll look into this.
I've set it up in the same way but am using Unity 2021.3. I asked Rob Cupisz about requirements a while back and was under the impression skin attachment and...
The ShaderGraphs2022 folder has been in the package for a few weeks now. From what I can tell Packages/Demo Team Digital Human/Editor/NewShaderGraphUnpacker.cs is meant to make this folder accessible on...
There might be an issue with the clothing mesh. I'm checking with out Tech Art team.