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SkinTensionRenderer - errors when using
I'm trying to use the SkinTensionRenderer script in my project but am getting two errors. The first is "Metal: Vertex or Fragment Shader xxx requires a ComputeBuffer at index x to be bound, but none provided." I guess this is related to an ongoing Mac OS Metal bug in Unity, so I switched over to Windows. Unfortunately now I'm getting null reference exceptions and Jobs errors.
I've attached the SkinTensionRenderer script to my SkinnedMesh and assigned the mesh to TensionBasePose in the Editor. Is there anything else I need to set up to get this working? Also, what are the Unity requirements for SkinTensionRender? I thought it was version 2021.2 +.
Any help you can give is much appreciated.
i got it running on windows in my scene. can you tell me more details about your setup and the error message?
- you are right that you need the SkinTensionRenderer on your SkinnedMesh game object
- did you look at the new graphs here on how to use the tension shader?
- You need a couple things in your shader graph to get it working (see above), including the SkinTensionSampleWeight custom function an the TensionWeight custom interpolator
I am on 2022.2.
I've set it up in the same way but am using Unity 2021.3. I asked Rob Cupisz about requirements a while back and was under the impression skin attachment and tension mapping worked in this version. Am I wrong? Does tension mapping require Unity 2022?