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Mesh attachments working, but transform attachments don't if using GPU
We're using SkinAttachments with AttachmentType of Mesh without any problems, but SkinAttachments with AttachmentType of Transform simply won't work. We'd like to use these empty transforms to drive occlusion markers for eyes, as in the Enemies demo, but the attached transforms don't move. Are we missing something?
Mesh attachment updates with target:
Transform attachment does not update position with target:
Skin Attachment settings:
Transform attachments don't seem to work if the Skin Attachment Target is using the GPU option. I tested this in the Digital Human Sample package and the eye occlusion markers work until Execute On GPU = true. Is there any way to get Transform attachments working with the GPU option?
The Readback Transform positions options looks like it might be helpful but it just generates NaN errors.