
Results 56 comments of Pranav

Yeah `saveddit` right now doesn't delete the individual audio and video files after a successful merge - I figured some might like the video component without audio so I decided...

Yes, I agree. Glob in this case should include `dir/file.ext`. Thanks for reporting!

There are some new PRs have that just been opened. Once these are sorted out, I'll release v2.7 - hoping for end of week.

Release has been created for v2.7 and now v2.8. I'm [working with vcpkg]( to update the package

Agreed with @skrobinson. Feel free to resubmit a new PR with just the Bazel change + improved test runner.

@JonLiu1993 The CI [error]( seems to be unrelated to `argparse`? ``` ========================== Starting Command Output =========================== /usr/bin/pwsh -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command . '/agent/_work/_temp/a002a5c9-eaa0-4d2f-b805-7c9d838cda82.ps1' Build reason was Pull Request, using binary...

The latest version of the library has fixed this issue. The build is clean, without warnings, and the tests pass. ```console pranav@ubuntu:~/dev/argparse/build$ export CC=/usr/bin/clang-12 pranav@ubuntu:~/dev/argparse/build$ export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-12 pranav@ubuntu:~/dev/argparse/build$ cmake -DARGPARSE_BUILD_TESTS=on...

Added support for [subcommands](

Refactored and merged as part of, including changes requested by @skrobinson. Thanks to both of you!

Parsing a list of values is now supported with `.nargs(...)`. See [here]( for more details. Closing this now.