
Results 56 comments of Pranav

A pull request would be greatly appreciated :)

There are no tests. That target should be removed (or more productively: I need to add some tests).

@TheMaverickProgrammer I don't have a Windows machine on me right now so this is hard to test. What code page are you using on your Windows console? There is [code...

And as for this issue, I know the current implementation doesn't handle multi-byte characters correctly and so if you've got your console sorted out (i.e., it renders UTF-8 characters just...

Tables already have a `shape()` function: And yes, I ~can~ should throw an assert in `add_row(...)`

Currently, the way to do this is definitely hacky - as you say, you can add the title as the first row and apply some formatting tricks. I think it...

Currently, this is not possible. I'd have to evaluate if it'll be feasible based on the current implementation.

Currently you can't set the style for border and corners - only because I didn't need it at the time of implementation. There's no reason not to support this though....

Ideally, the tick resolution can be added to the configuration, e.g., ```cpp ProgressBar bar { // ..., option::TickResolution{TickResolution::milliseconds} }; ``` That way, the user can configure this setting and it'll...

Do you see this issue if you lower the bar width? This typically happens because the progress bar total width (prefix text + bar + postfix elapsed/remaining text) is larger...