
Results 5 issues of Pranav

* Change private member variable names to be (1) underscore separated, (2) all lower case, (3) with a trailing underscore, e.g., `my_private_variable_` instead of `mMyPrivateVariable`. * Change member function names...


### Description * In \*nix, `tabulate` uses `wcswidth` to compute the display width for multi-byte characters * In Windows, `tabulate` computes the number of multi-byte characters correctly but this is...

It would really help if you could setup docker support for this project. * The `TrainAndTest` python module requires python2 and a host of dependencies. If I could pull a...

**Describe the pull request** - #### What does your PR fix? Updates argparse to v2.8 - #### Which triplets are supported/not supported? Have you updated the [CI baseline]( No -...


Currently, a mutually exclusive group does not change the appearance of the default-generated help message. Update the default-generated help message to more clearly present mutually_exclusive argument groups to the user.
