
Results 56 comments of Pranav

I've added a `--no-color` option to turn off coloring. You can also pipe to another program (like [bat]( to color the output.

Yes, I'll add in flags to support configurating the color for each element in the output; makes sense.

I've been wondering for awhile how to solve this - being able to provide short names, help descriptions etc. Using it as part of the `STRUCTOPT` macro makes sense. Thanks...

Merged. I am not actively working on saveddit every day but I will happily merge improvements, bug fixes etc. Thanks.

There are internal functions that can be used for this. Perhaps these can be moved out of detail and updated to match the API interface. The function you're looking for...

Yes, I think so. We can add overloads to `to_bytes` that match the serialize interface (`serialize(object, bytes)`). The call can be routed to the relevant `to_bytes` implementation for that type....