If you're copying our Yost IMU code, then copy the ones from [this pr](https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/pull/647) instead of the one on master, because we copy-pasted ours from master and its shit
Also, I think since we're both using the Yost IMU and it seems like we're both copy pasting this code, I think this would be a good opportunity to put...
Changing this to happen before the firmware refactor so that we can have this information by the carpark test with the new mbf stack and be able to debug any...
We're changing to use GTSAM instead of G2O. Because of this, I'm postponing this issue till a later milestone.
Oh woops Wednesday we had all hands + some other stuff so we couldn't get to test it out then. Let's aim for the coming Wednesday to test this.
That library doesn't seem to be maintained though... :(
Just to start some discussion on what commands are often used, and to help out whoever will work on this issue: - `rqt_plot` - `rqt_image_view` - `rosrun tf view_frames` -...
This is barrel detection using LiDAR, which is different.