Oliver Schwengers

Results 60 comments of Oliver Schwengers

Hi, could you repeat your analysis by using the `--meta` option? This is currently not yet available in the latest official release v1.6 but available in the `main` branch. You...

Hi, indeed there is not a single marker protein that could be detected on your contigs, which is odd/interesting and hasn't occured so far - at least not for an...

I took a look at the logs and from a technical perspective, everything is just fine. However, there is indeed not a single blast (diamond) hit against the marker protein...

Hi @hbucqp, there are `\r` (carriage return) characters in your fasta headers which might be introduced via a Windows-based text editor? If you remove those, Platon works as expected. There...

Hi @MostafaYA, thanks for this excellent question! This is indeed an interesting use case and we already started to work on a solution for that. However, this will still take...

Hi, this is most certainly an AMRFinder issue related to a symlink within the AMRFinder db. It's a symlink pointing to an absolute path and this often gets broken when...

Thanks to the AMRFinder developers https://github.com/ncbi/amr/issues/101, this should not happen anymore after using release [v3.10.45](https://github.com/ncbi/amr/releases/tag/amrfinder_v3.10.45)

I hope the information above and within #151 helped to solve this issue. I'll close this issue for now. Just in case, please do not hesitate to re-open it if...

Hi @EricDeveaud , thanks for pointing out. Yes, it shouldn't be much of an issue. Do you ask because of the duplicated db or because of an existing installation that...

Thanks Björn (@bgruening), I didn't recognize that it's already available on Galaxy, excellent! Is it fully functional including the database?