OpenWISP-Captive-Portals-Manager copied to clipboard
OWCPM is a captive portal written from scratch with Ruby on Rails.
Hi, I'm using captive portals manager with apache and passenger. With a relatively high number of users (around 1000 unique logins per day), the redirect is slow. I discovered that...
The web interface of this application doesn't support any mechanism for: - managing the operators - password expiration - password change Unfortunately the Italian law requires the operators to change...
Could it be useful to log the association username - IP address within owcpm ? If you don't use radius authentication you can't access these information, isn't it?
Only the default (italian) language seems to work. This should be related to i18n yml file format.
It could be useful to implement a new functionality for owcpm. Consider an HA scenario, master falls down, your Idle-Timeout is longer than the slave start services time and your...
When you try to change the name of the interface via the form the interface name is not updated in the database
It'd be great if at least login/logout operations could support the [WISPr standard]( The compatibility with WISPr would enable many existing applications. Note this is different from since it's...
Please use the milestone and the issue tracker to discuss/propose new features development or ideas. :) Of course bug-fixes could be issued without further discussion.