OpenWISP-Captive-Portals-Manager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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OWCPM is a captive portal written from scratch with Ruby on Rails.

= Development discontinued

The development of this project has been discontinued.

For the captive portal part of your network we suggest using one of the following options:

  • PfSense
  • Coova Chilli (good for running on OpenWRT)
  • OpnSense
  • PacketFence

We also recommend looking into {openwisp-wifi-login-pages}[] for a captive / login page which offers also features like user registration, SMS verification, social login, change/reset password, change phone number, status page with list of sessions of the logged in user and more features, it's built to work with {OpenWISP RADIUS}[] and can be integrated with the captive portal solutions listed above.

= OpenWISP Captive Portals Manager

== Description

OWCPM is a captive portal written from scratch with Ruby on Rails. Main features:

  • multiple captive portal (i.e. one per physical/virtual interface)
  • RADIUS / Local authentication
  • per-user traffic shaping (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • multiple OS support
    • IPv4/GNU-Linux (iptables/tc) already implemented
    • other OS support can be implemented within the proper subclass
  • IPv6 support can be easily implemented

== Configuration

=== Networking setup

Before installing and starting OWCPM, please be sure that your machine works (as expected) as a router w/ or w/o NAT. Please note that auth'ed users traffic and walled gardened traffic will be marked with 0x1xxxx.

For instance assuming that:

  • you need logging and NAT
  • , > are the untrusted interfaces
  • is your "Internet" interface
  • you've correctly set up routing

the startup iptables rules might look like the following:

-A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 0x10000/0x10000 -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix="Captive Portal: "
-A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 0x10000/0x10000 -j MASQUERADE
-A FORWARD -i <cp1 interface> -o <wan interface> -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -o <cp1 interface> -i <wan interface> -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i <cp2 interface> -o <wan interface> -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -o <cp2 interface> -i <wan interface> -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i <wan interface> -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o <wan interface> -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

=== Web server setup

You'll also need to configure a web server for the redirection process and to host that captive pages (optional).

For instance, if you wan't to use apache2 you'll need to configure two virtual hosts. So you configuration will look like to the following:

Listen [owcpm http port]
<VirtualHost *:[owcpm http port]>

  DocumentRoot [your owcpm directory]/public

  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog [error log file]
  CustomLog [access log file] combined

  PassengerDefaultUser www-data # Change it to reflect your needs
  RackEnv production            # Change it to reflect your needs
  RailsEnv production           # Change it to reflect your needs

  <Directory [your owcpm directory]/public>
    AllowOverride all
    Options -MultiViews
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  Listen [owcpm https port]

  <VirtualHost _default_:[owcpm https port]>
    SSLEngine on

    DocumentRoot [your owcpm directory]/public

    PassengerDefaultUser www-data # Change it to reflect your needs
    RackEnv production            # Change it to reflect your needs
    RailsEnv production           # Change it to reflect your needs

    <Directory [your owcpm directory]/public>
      Allow from all
      Options -MultiViews

    Alias / "[your owcpm directory]"
    <Directory [your owcpm directory]/public>
      AllowOverride all
      Options -MultiViews
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog [error log file]
    CustomLog [access log file] combined

    SSLCertificateFile [certificate file]
    SSLCertificateKeyFile [key file]
    SSLCACertificateFile [ca chain file]

=== Background jobs

The following script can be used to start the captive portal daemons. At start captive portal daemons will create the appropriate iptables rules (that will be removed at stop).

# Provides:          owcpm-daemons
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Starting owcpm-daemons
# Description:       Starting owcpm-daemons

########## Variables for openwisp-daemons ##########

# The directory in which all the various OpenWisp
# applications are deployed. Generally it's /var/www
# or /var/rails

# The daemon you wish to start with this script
# (it must have already been deployed of course).

# The Rails environment in which the script must be run.
# It will almost always be set to production.



# Define LSB log_* functions.
# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

bundle_exec() {
  cd $1 && bundle exec $2
  return $?

openwisp_daemons_start() {
  bundle_exec $OPENWISP_BASE_PATH/$OPENWISP_APP 'rake daemons:start'

openwisp_daemons_stop() {
  bundle_exec $OPENWISP_BASE_PATH/$OPENWISP_APP 'rake daemons:stop'

openwisp_daemons_restart() {
  bundle_exec $OPENWISP_BASE_PATH/$OPENWISP_APP 'rake daemons:restart'

openwisp_daemons_status() {
  bundle_exec $OPENWISP_BASE_PATH/$OPENWISP_APP 'rake daemons:status'

case "$1" in
    log_daemon_msg "Starting OpenWISP daemon" "$NAME"
    log_end_msg $RET
    return $RET
    log_daemon_msg "Stopping OpenWISP daemon" "$NAME"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    log_end_msg $RET
    return $RET
    log_daemon_msg "Restarting OpenWISP daemon" "$NAME"
    log_end_msg $RET
    return $RET
    return $RET
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
    exit 1

exit 0

== API details

There are two API method available at the moment:

  • login
  • logout

The API can respond in json and xml.

Parameters must be sent in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

All the methods of this API can be used only by authorized servers.

The default behaviour is that only local requests are authorized.

To authorize a remote server to use the API copy the file config/config.default.yml and rename it in config/config.yml then add the addreses in the right ruby syntax for arrays.

=== Login

POST /api/v1/account/login

Required parameters:

  • username
  • password

Optional parameters:

  • ip: private ip address to login, if omitted the ip address of the device that makes the request is assumed
  • timeout: (seconds)

Logs in the specified user and returns 200 plus a message if succeed.

If a timeout (in seconds) is specified that value will be used as a session timeout for the user browsing session.

If any of the required parameters is missing the method will return 400 HTTP response code plus an error message.

If username or password are incorrect or the user is not verified it will return 403 plus an error message.

If daily quota limit exceeded it will return 403 plus an error message.

If the ip param is specified, the host of the server that tries to use the API must be in the api_allowed_ips configuration array, otherwise the server will respond with a 403 HTTP response code plus an error message.

If the ip specified (or assumed) does not result associated in the captive portal DB the method will return 403 plus an error message.

=== Logout

POST /api/v1/account/logout

Required parameters: username, ip

Logs out the specified username with the specified ip address and returns 200 plus a message if succeed.

If any of the required parameters is missing the method will return 400 HTTP response code plus an error message.

If the ip param is specified, the host of the server that tries to use the API must be in the api_allowed_ips configuration array, otherwise the server will respond with a 403 HTTP response code plus an error message.

If the combination of username and or IP does not result logged in the request will fail and will return a 403 HTTP response code plus an error message.

=== Status

POST /api/v1/account/status

Required parameters: username

Retrieve session information about specified user.

Returns 200 plus session info if user is logged in.

Returns 404 if user is not logged in.

Returns 400 if username is missing

== Allow traffic to routes assigned to AS number

This command allows to create allowed traffic rules to routes assigned to a specific autonomous system number.



Example, allow traffic to allow all incoming TCP traffic to facebook on port 443 through captive portal with id 1:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake allow_traffic:autonomous_system[AS32934,1,tcp,,,,443,facebook-443]

== Copyright

Copyright (C) 2012

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see