
Results 219 issues of olivroy

https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/dev/articles/extending-ggplot2.html Maybe it could have a little section about the new guides improvements? I think it should mention `dropped_aes` ? I am not sure I did this correctly, but in...


Opening this PR for discussion. Since openxlsx2 is actively maintained, a bit easier to use, and closer to the tidyverse. See this blog post for an example. https://rdiscovery.netlify.app/posts/2023-11-11_openxlsx2/ If you...

A fix was inspired by the fix here https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/pull/2797/files. I fixed small docs issues + updated the link to the repo. Edit: seealso https://github.com/rstudio/ggvis/pull/488/files

I added a `tryCatch()` condition back in September, but it seems that with data.table 1.15, the warning has intensified. https://github.com/r-tmap/tmap/commit/93d2d9407353a86f4e22005e39f649f6328bc583 I think we should not ignore this warning as it...

I sometimes use (in v3) ```r library(tmap) # tmap v3.3.4 data(World, package = "tmap") tmap_mode("view") my_map tmap_leaflet() |> leaflet::addTiles(attributions = "Last update in October 2023") ``` Could this be equivalent...


Deleting `R/paletteer.R` and `devtools::document()` should do the trick. ```r #' @keywords internal "_PACKAGE" ``` is in both `R/paletteer.R` and `R/paletteer-package.R`.


I also silenced a couple of tests / output along the way.

Use new way to register S3 methods with `usethis::use_standalone("r-lib/rlang", "s3-register")`. https://r-pkgs.org/dependencies-in-practice.html#imports-and-exports-related-to-s3 I also removed some S3 methods from docs, for which it is not very necessary. `format()`, `is.na()`, or print...

this way, it is easier to jump between R/ and tests/ with `usethis::use_r()`, and `usethis::use_test()`. s2 was not recognized as test because it didn't have the 'test' prefix If merged,...

Hello, I am learning the sf package, and browsed through the referene https://r-spatial.github.io/sf/reference/index.html I find it a bit difficult to browse, and to know which functions fit together (apart from...
