
Results 219 issues of olivroy

Use `rlang::is_installed()`. `expect_length()`, `expect_named()`, `expect_true()` in tests

https://style.tidyverse.org/package-files.html#names-1 > Compatibility functions should live in a file with compat- prefix. The new norm seems to be standalone-*

To mimic `ggplot2::ggsave()`. A common workflow I have when I save file to view the result is the following: ```r plot

Since 4.0, data.frame no longer coerces to factors.

Hello, would it be possible to add the option to show the tibble footer as with [readr](https://readr.tidyverse.org/articles/readr.html#rectangular-parsers) (with colors) ```r # i x more variables # i chr (5): CSDname,...

Hi, could the view function use `rlang::is_interactive()` so it is easier to tweak and silence it with ``` options(rlang_interactive = FALSE) ``` https://rlang.r-lib.org/reference/is_interactive.html?q=interactive#null I'd be happy to contribute a PR,...