
Results 219 issues of olivroy

Adjust obj-type to reflect this. Follow-up to #1426

since standalone-friendly-type.R does not exist.

Tweak, so that rlang's site looks more like other tidyverse sites. This puts news to the left of the search bar. https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#navbar

If `check_installed()` is called in tests, we would get an error (non-interactive sessions) But could there be an option to skip the test instead? Thanks Edit: I mean when one...

``` r library(dplyr) mtcars %>% mutate(x) #> Error in `mutate()`: #> ℹ In argument: `x`. #> Caused by error: #> ! objet 'x' introuvable ``` Would it be possible that...

Add the usethis way of adding standalone files in a package.

You may want to update your gh actions as they seem outdated with `usethis::use_tidy_github_actions()` as well.