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ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.

Results 103 ok issues
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Dear friends, we're using your client for our programming classes at Imperial but we're yet to find a way to enable a student to see his/her timeline too. Is this...

When I try to print from the page for a homework submission that contains a Jupyter notebook, in Firefox, it doesn't work correctly: the submission information at the top gets...

Right now we show a "late submission" error. We should say instead that they're using the wrong course. We could help by displaying the error more prominently on the client...


It'd be nice if granting an extension on a project would allow for the one day early EC deadline to be extended similarly. Perhaps this is possible by making the...

Being unable to delete scores frequently causes inconvenience. There are a number of reasons why I think it would be highly helpful to be able to delete scores from OKPY....

I accidentally created a course (PHW250F) but the course URL in OK was messed up, so it is `cal/phw205f/fa18`. It'd be great if there was a way to change that...

We used the `correctness` and `private` score tags for a couple of specialized scores around the midterm for 61A this summer not realizing that the grade exporter was limited to...

Right now, anyone can create a course with any available endpoint. This means that a course's standard endpoint format may already have been taken for a particular semester. We should...

It would be nice if for each assignment we could get a custom timeout. A data8 project which works with a large dataset takes a long time to grade, specifically...