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ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.

Results 103 ok issues
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We have disputes with students who do not get emails. It would be helpful to have the scores both as a log and as feedback if students do not open...

Fixes #1070 If a student is not enrolled in a class but submitting assignments for the class their submissions won't be seen by the staff. This adds a view called...

The grading box where TAs can submit scores is kind of hard to see if you don't expect it there. It can be fixed to the bottom of the screen...

help wanted

We should be able to do a "delete" of a course since we're letting anyone make a course. I do _not_ want to do a cascading delete of course data...

DB Schema Change (Requires Migration)

This makes the download button hard to find. Root cause: - Some divs/cells are too wide and need a max-width to be specified.


Occasionally CircleCI will just hang on test_job and then timeout after 10 minutes. For now we're going to comment that test out.

We're going to make certain features admin only (like releasing OK Client or changing OAuth clients) In the future we could: - Just make people who would perform those actions...

This is happening pretty frequently https://sentry.cs61a.org/cs61a/frontend/issues/13/ ``` ReferenceError: Can't find variable: displayNotebooks at None (/cal/cs61a/sp17/hw02/submissions//:9:21) at wrapped (/static/public/js/common.js:2207:185) at fire (/static/public/js/common.js:224:304) at add (/static/public/js/common.js:225:471) at ready (/static/public/js/common.js:234:101) ... (7 additional...

If a user attempts to reuse a google code (or the code has expired) - our auth attempt will fail. Instead of throwing a 500 - we should present an...


Between the primary and secondary, Redis writes to our logs about 20-30 times a second. One way to do so would just to get rid of the secondary - since...
