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ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.

Results 103 ok issues
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- Pull Scores from Gradescope (so that instructors can keep scores in one place) - Send Submissions to Gradescope

This is a way to track actions taken by staff that instructors might care about. Involves: - Create a AuditLog Table in models.py that contains the following - a string...

DB Schema Change (Requires Migration)

Currently, we send emails one at a time to SendGrid, which is very slow. We should be able to send ~950 at a time instead, just swapping out the score...

It might be useful to obscure PII in the admin interface (there's enough obscure use cases where it might be worth the effort). This could be as simple as a...

Nice to Have

It's useful to see if you forgot to enroll someone - since otherwise they don't appear in the course stats Here's some rough code that does what this going for...


We shouldn't be limited to a text log - each job should have a custom way to show its progress or eventual result. For example, our autograding job can display...

If a deploy happens during a job, it will just be left hanging when the worker is killed. Instead, kubernetes should send a signal to the worker requesting a warm...

Our jobs table is now ~100mB, and it's going to get bigger faster when we have repeated jobs. Jobs create a lot of output that could easily be compressed, so...

If there are lots of files (10+) it's useful to know what files have been submitted. From @kvchen This is mainly a design issue because the list of filenames readily...

We should allow instructors to specify required files without having to upload a template. This allows: - Enforcing directory structure - Not having to deal with templates - Ensuring presence...