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ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.

Results 103 ok issues
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A TA has changed their school-related email address and can no longer log in to their account. Admin should have an easy way to modify the email address associated with...

Nice to Have

An easier/automated way of moving gradescope grades into okpy, ideally taking into account the submission times

Travis is failing on a couple of the GCloud storage related tests. See example [here](https://travis-ci.org/okpy/ok/jobs/523112680). Status code of these errors says 429, which indicates perhaps our tests are breaking API...

There's been a request to allow a way to give a specific number of points to students meeting a certain checkpoint. For example, CS61A provides extra credit points for students...


A few courses have expressed that it would be useful to be able to see how many slip days students have used. A job could go through all students and...


Right now the documentation and the website state that okpy is open source without mentioning that some components aren't (autograder). Please consider mentioning that this functionality is not available on...

While setting up a local ok server, `pip install -r requirements.txt` prints the following error message in red ``` requests-oauthlib 1.2.0 has requirement oauthlib>=3.0.0, but you'll have oauthlib 2.0.2 which...

A TA was manually adding a backup/submission for a student and accidentally uploaded the wrong student's code. There's no way to delete a backup, but there should be.

Nice to Have

Not sure if this is the right repo to put this on Currently discussion attendance suffers from a number of problems - the process takes about 3-4 minutes, which can...

Dear friends, (CS course at Imperial College London) We'd love to be able to see the full print of the Scoring tests, not just the truncated version. Is there a...