Simon Rodriguez
Simon Rodriguez
Another workaround that works for us is to await FirebaseMessaging.GetTokenAsync() It gives the same token as the event on first install, then the same token next times when the event...
Hi! Is this on ios or android ? I've never seen the issue, but I'm only using this plugin on a project that is running Unity 2017. The calls to...
Hi! Sorry for the long delay, been away on vacation. I haven't tried this with TextMeshPro, did you alter the code to get it to work ? And is a...
That is odd, the native text view has a transparent background.. And the unity text field isnt set up with a white background ?
Hi! Thanks for looking in to this ⭐ Could you try with using clear color ? And if that works a pull request would be lovely :) Thanks!
Hi, Can't you use ActivateInputField? there is some callbacks like DidEnd
hmm well that is strange. Interactable should be off when the native object is alive and should switch on when its destroyed.. But thanks for the find! ⭐