UnityNativeEditBox copied to clipboard
Advice on Inputfield "interactable" property
I haved an unstable behavior on NativeEditBox plugin on Android device mostly cases.. ( cant select the text at certain character or when click back button the new text typed disappeared )
After a deep debugging, I noticed that any change on the runtime, the property "interactable", disabled the calls of native input fields. So basically I created a function that force the destroy calls of the plugin and when the OnPointerClick events is called, the CreateNow functions refresh all native events.
just reference:
and the call .. something like this:
The config on NativeEditBox have switchBetweenNativeAndUnity set true this is tested on Unity v2020.2.2f1 on Android device.
thnks for the great job on this plugin.
hmm well that is strange. Interactable should be off when the native object is alive and should switch on when its destroyed.. But thanks for the find! ⭐