
Results 187 comments of Nick

Each card ID actually represent a task. So the "tasks" section within one card is just a list of subtasks and should be used as such. I I'm afraid the...

Oh but you can actually. Just Copy/Paste the URL of a card into the description like in this example: ``` Interesting Link: ``` and you can follow the link...

But you can: ![image]( Don't use markdown here. Simply use a standard URL syntax. This is actually on purpose here. We are in a work tool. Hence we don't need...

URLs in Subtasks are on the list of upcoming changes since #113.

We just added this to our list. Thanks for hinting.

@erwaan Very nice!

Messsaging and later Mail is already on our list. Nextcloud maybe later - I have to discuss this. Teams surely not. There's a dfferent idea on the table, but nothings...

Thanks in the name of the team 😃

We are very busy with other things right now. Indeed we also want to have notifications. But so far we couldn't decide which method would be best. But any pull...

The problem right now is not so much the how, but the when. If you send updates on every change in a card I would unsubscribe globally in a day....