
Results 187 comments of Nick

This will be available in the upcoming corporate version.

True. I've put it on the list.

Please check the other posts about docker - how to install and also the issues covered by other users responses. The docker image works, but as always docker can be...

I'm using apache for everything productive including reverse proxy stuff. But maybe Maks knows what to do here.

Something similar is already planned although different from trello.

I'm uploading 20 or 30M files regularly here and this works without problem. I guess this could be a server configuration problem

As mentioned in other threads the notifications are due for the next releases. Currently this is not working yet.

Not currently I'm afraid. Also Maks is working on multiple projects currently and his workload is higher than usual. So please be patient - there will be updates - jJust...

There will be notification mechanisms although we are not yet sure what exactly.

I guess somewhere during the next changes we have to think about how to manage this. I guess when a user gets deleted then there are several aspects which should...