
Results 187 comments of Nick

I have no idea just how to do this. If I run this: jsmpeg-vnc.exe -i 1 -p 8889 desktop then I cannot control anything.

Ok tried that too. But still I can't control anything

Still the same problem even on different computers

Aha..... and how exactly are we doing this?

can't we always use this interpreter?

Sorry, I thought Quixe were compatible to zcode files.

Security? How do I know you're not reading everything I note? A build in solution which just does the syncing and which cannot be disabled can't be good

@fabiospampinato I think you misunderstand me here.... I'm talking about the risk of you reading everything we store on your servers.... not about transport encryption.

But basically this is also something that involves trust, isn't it

@Fabio: I've had my share of people I've trusted over the years. We had fraud and money theft and and payed dearly for that. If you think you can trust...