
Results 187 comments of Nick

Some export/backup feature will be there in the future, but for now just do a databased export and complete file backup and you're good to go.

Also check if there are any pid lockfiles left. I found that sometimes they have to be manually deleted after some failed start.

That's basically a one lines for every user who wants that. If you're abilities do not go beyond docker containers then I suggest you wait for major updates rather than...

My personal opinion was very ambivalent here. "Stop printing things :) ". But I also understand that some people want printouts and due to the way they work even need...

Just wanted to say that there's a complete overhaul of the user system already in the making

> It would be great if would be possible to add a preview or a small video player for attached video files, with a preview just like the photos on...

Hi there. This would surely be a great addition to planka. Can you post a preliminary screenshot and a little information about this?

Not at the moment. There are simply too many other features in the works. But if at some point modules will be needed this will surely be discussed.

It's at least an idea to think about in the future. Right now there are other priorities. But I'll add that to the list of more important suggestions right away.

Personally I'm against keyboard shortcuts. As far as I'm concerned shortcuts never work as expected, because most of us have system wide shortcuts already capturing keys. Example Ctrl+n is taken...