Clay Shippy

Results 56 issues of Clay Shippy

checking for mvaddch in -lcurses... no checking for mvaddch in -lncurses... no checking for mvaddch in -ltermlib... no checking for mvaddch in -lpdcurses... no was wondering whats the most portable...

exported test models cannot be viewed in cura or pronterface.

have a freelancer working on this port currently. emcc 8086tiny.c -DNO_GRAPHICS -o 8086tiny.html -fsigned-char -O1 --embed-file bios --embed-file fd.img node 8086tiny.js bios fd.img keyboard , sound and graphics not working.

joystick sensitivity setting needed for playing goldeneye 64 , I bought one of those bluetooth except mine was white. in jstest-gtk the analog readings are very nice but when...

would like the ability to have more than one controller mapping for different games. either we could save multiple layouts or even go fancier and save specifically for each game/rom....

please link to or integrate

if the printer runs out of filament it should cool down using inactive time in eeprom. mine stayed on the filament load screen at full temperature for over 10 min.

Planned im not sure why but sometimes when the axe stops swinging on the main screen it crashes.

is there easy way in code to convert this to 16bit pcm instead of ieee float wav file which is not valid for openal to play

ls or list command is missing. i tried setting the ftp->FtpSendCmd("LIST -aL",'2',ftp->mp_ftphandle); command to public and sending manually with no avail. are there more debug messages in a flag ?