Clay Shippy

Results 56 issues of Clay Shippy

is there easy way to compile this to static lib for larger c++ projects ?

its eating over 100% cpu to emulate 1mhz cpu , when i click debug it usually stops.i noticed there were some SDL_Delays() in the sdlrender thread already but maybe there... this uses openal and the libs from the repo.

used the advice from here[email protected]/msg08678.html opened up codeblocks imported all the src files then replaced the instances had to modify the makefile to use .bc instead of html so... you might need this for keyboard support also has wacom tablet support i will try and support the windows platform with it.

what an amazing project, I was wondering if its fast enough to run some opengl or irrlicht demo's does it have opengl support even if only 30 fps mesa support. been working on this works on windows fine still trying to get linux version working.

in the script i had to comment out line 337 # material.blend_method = 'MULTIPLY' if mat.rgba[3] < 1.0 else 'OPAQUE'

seems that digital port 4 is only port working for some reason on leonardo eth

when using a luks partition as a seperate user linked into the home directory. when deleting other users files on the non encrypted drive the recycle bin eats them and...