
Results 36 comments of namusyaka

Is this problem still going on? Looks to be solved.

It looks intentional. [weaklef]( is a really thin wrapper for `Object::Weakmap`. I'll let @rkh answer to this issue.

@sandelius I'm sorry for the late reply. I've been so busy recently. However, this feature looks reasonable for me. If you can dig up into this problem, please write a...

@rschwass Could you write up a spec for reproducing your paint point?

Hi @johnlabarge Thanks for the suggestion. Looks very promising.

Since I often heard from GCP developers in Japan that they want to see an example which runs Rails on AppEngine Standard, it's worth that providing the example. If you're...

@maryam-b Sorry for the late. Yes, this issue is still open. We need to reproduce this bug as a first step. If this bug can be reproduced, we shoud write...

@raldred Sorry for the late reply. For investigation of this problem, I need a minimal repository for reproduction (with Gemfile.lock).

Thanks for the report. First off, I would like to introduce a workaround for the stack level too deep error by adding `extend Sinatra::Namespace` to `App`, it would be something...