
Results 36 comments of namusyaka

@dariocravero Thank you for bringing this. > > Should we use the gemspec instead of the Gemfile for hard dependencies? Yeah I've also been thinking about the gemspec support. >...

What does "some ORMs" mean? The reason is [this](

@ssut Thanks for the report! However, I couldn't reproduce. Please, provide a failing project.

Thanks, confirmed. We will investigate the issue.

I've digged in the issue. @ssut quick fix: ``` ruby require 'active_support/time' unless defined?(ActiveSupport::Duration) ``` @ujifgc @padrino/core-members `Padrino::Reloader.safe_load` fails because ActiveSupport prohibits including the multiple block. Perhaps, we...

Yes, this error occurs everytime the source is changed.

Great! I had assumed that external library was target of the reloader.

Great. I'm looking forward to your modules.

I forked the gem and renemed to `padrino-orm_adapter`. Maybe we could treat padrino-orm_adapter as a padrino official gem. I'm going to put this to our repositories place if you...

I'd like to start moving toward 1.0.0. @padrino/core-members