Mike Lin

Results 150 comments of Mike Lin

Thanks @mr-c! The project mission has always been first and foremost a developer toolkit (secondly a runtime), so we're very happy and supportive about your work. I think as a...

Thanks -- I like this idea; there's approximate precedent in how [miniwdl-aws](https://github.com/miniwdl-ext/miniwdl-aws) has an EFS filesystem mounted into all containers (including the one miniwdl itself runs in). A couple details...

Right now we don't have a way to add arguments to the `podman run` invocation; this did also just come up in #558, so we'll take a look at that....

Thanks for this suggestion; I think it would make a nice example program for the documentation (#228), should be pretty simple yet actually useful in its own right.

building block -- https://github.com/xflr6/graphviz

I've checked in a crude first cut at this https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/miniwdl/blob/master/examples/wdlviz.py The results look pretty bad, because I'm unfamiliar with graphviz and generally lacking in the visual design talents. The good...

Our new [codelab](https://miniwdl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wdlviz.html) cleans it up a bit, worth a try. Hoping for someone to heroically swoop in and rescue the visual design =) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/356550/71075054-86f70c00-2127-11ea-893d-1b3ca4e0ef09.png)

Consolidated from #322 > We have a codelab on using the AST to create a crude graphviz visualization, > https://miniwdl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wdlviz.html > and a slightly (not much) better version checked in...

Thanks! Although we haven't been able to prioritize this yet, we *have* been evolving [a plugin interface](https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/miniwdl/blob/v0.9.x/WDL/runtime/task_container.py) for the task runner back-end, which will eventually facilitate it. To clarify, in...

Not as of now, I'm afraid. I found [some documentation](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_quay/3/html/manage_red_hat_quay/using-ssl-to-protect-quay#configuring_podman_to_trust_the_certificate_authority) about where to put CA certs for podman to find, which seems better than disabling host verification. Does this help?...