Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

Not doing is a rather big change and not possible without rewriting the packager plugin. What would you expect Parcel to do regarding automatic insertion of displayName? Should these statements...

What I was trying to say was: Parcel could pretty easily create these `$6d390b7f2e6b107f.displayName = "Foo";` statements. But then the problem is (once you've published a library containing these lines)...

Does it also still fail with Parcel 2.8.2?

It's working for me:

``` $ git clone $ pnpm install $ pnpm exec parcel build ✨ Built in 2.18s dist/index.js 14.1 KB 609ms dist/index.esm.js 18.07 KB 88ms ``` (And this is exactly...

``` $ git clone $ pnpm install $ cd wrapper/Strap $ pnpm install $ pnpm build > [email protected] build wrapper/Strapi > rm -rf dist/ && parcel build @parcel/transformer-typescript-types: Top-level...

Please provide a reproduction by filling out the issue template

> `navigator.serviceWorker.register(new URL('./serviceWorker.ts', import.meta.url), {type: 'module', scope: '/' })` That is definitely the version you should be using. If you put the url constructor outside, then Parcel doesn't know that...

Yes, this should be fixed. > Build locally (node-gyp approach) as lifecycle script? We should do the same as swc/lightningcss/esbuild: one npm package per platform as `optionalDependencies`:[email protected]/package.json

1. How do you even import `molecule`? Is it a separate package? 2. With your sourcecode, I get ``` @parcel/transformer-js: Expected '{', got 'Loader' > 1 | export Loader =...