Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

> I may be wrong, but I think the example plugin code is run through a bundler which converts import to require before being imported and used by parcel. That...

> 💻 Code Sample []( That link doesn't work (anymore)

Would be great if anyone could share a reproduction

On CI, there's currently this failing test: ``` 1: Test command: /Users/runner/work/libuv/libuv/build/uv_run_tests .... 1: not ok 57 - fs_event_watch_dir 1: # timeout 1: # Output from process `fs_event_watch_dir`: (no output)...

That is an invalid selector:

Please provide a [small code sample that reproduces the issue](

You could lengthen that timeout if you want to test that. But I don't think that is likely to be the problem

Doesn't happen for me (Win 10). What happens if you change the Example.val prop in index.js? What happens if you change the window title or some of the text in...

> and closing the window, the process does not exit , not clear if that is expected behavior. Haven't noticed that before. > your example works as expected. The generated...

For watching (so to listen for file changes while your tool is running), macOS, Linux and Windows all have some native backend that works fine. Even without watchman. But for...