Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

We need to fix `Error: PostCSS config must have plugins` with `{"modules": true}` first...

Not sure about either of these problems. I just tried it in a rather fresh Ubuntu 20.04 VM: it reused the prebuild and was also able to compile it locally....

I think we'd have to determine the kernel version itself: > The fanotify API was introduced in version 2.6.36 of the Linux kernel and enabled in version 2.6.37. Fdinfo support...

I've opened a PR to add the server back to the default config:

Maybe CEF in the future as a separate additional library (if chrome is really needed).

> Did that work? Yes!

~The OpenGL error is 0x502 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION?) in these two lines, but not on macOS:~ ```c glUniformMatrix4fv(openGLState.ProjectionUniform, 1, GL_FALSE, &projection.m11); glUniformMatrix4fv(openGLState.ModelViewUniform, 1, GL_FALSE, &modelview.m11); ``` --- Well, InitGL was never called...

@andlabs Is the macOS area refactoring acceptable? `areaCommonView` now handles all events and is the superclass of `openGLAreaView` and `areaView` . Also, why are the macOS classes in lowerCameCase (Cocoa's...

Do we want a scrolling opengl view?

Solved --- ~@andlabs For linux and macOS, this code works because the constructor runs synchronously and the context is actually created (see the opengl example):~ ```c uiOpenGLArea *glarea = uiNewOpenGLArea(&AREA_HANDLER,...