
Results 11 comments of mirror176

Don't forget to report and downvote (may need Return Youtube Dislike by [Dmitry Selivanov](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/17129231/) to get the benefit of that action) clickbait when its actually incorrect images/titles/descriptions being used to...

Maybe as a workaround or alternative, but being able to maintain the thumbnail should be preferred as the fix since the original may be artwork from outside the video.

May need more than .1s to trigger youtube to say 'watched to end' as I've sometimes had incomplete marks when manually jumping near end and letting it play until stop...

Having just found this program I was wondering how unused shops are handled having seen the intro youtube video saying 'just delete it'; didn't like the delete option but video...

@gantsevdenis I'll look into a few more games if desired but StarCraft 1 had a % chance that a shot counts as a miss if a unit is obstructed behind...

If fog or other graphics settings/mods can be an advantage/disadvantage in gameplay, lobby should have an ability to optionally force or recommend clients to a selected state. Could be that...

Won't skipping a unit lead to resources the player intended go to that unit ending up on another unit? Does that patch just remove the unit from the queue or...

Is there a clear document or list of when the third party modules are customized, brought in because a version must be used by all players, or is just brought...

If marking that a group is fully selected, would it be helpful to be able to mark that a group is partially selected? Maybe a marker could also be made...

F9 does this for player controlled units/buildings but cycles through states instead of offering a 'reveal while held' option. Hotkey option does not mention it is restricted to the player's...