Max Katz

Results 288 comments of Max Katz

@olifink unfortunately I don't think anybody in the core team has Windows ARM right now. But I can help you with MicroCOM related changes, if you have time to try...

About CreateDrawingSurface2, it seems it can be used, yes. It was added later in another SDK update (10.0.15063.0). But Avalonia uses these APIs only on even newer Windows builds (I...

@Lakritzator if you can test this branch or build on your device, please do

@Lakritzator my apologies, I pinged a wrong person. @olifink thank you testing these changes. If you will find anything else, please let me know.

I don't see a good reasoning in having `ValueType.Default` or `ValueType.Empty` types, when it can be replaced with `Rect value = default`. It makes more sense in checking if value...

Just checked how Qt handles it. It doesn't support it as well.

I believe SystemDecorations=None can be resized now on macOS. But BeginResizeDrag is not implemented there.


> An additional idea instead of string constants is to add a TemplatePart enum to each control's code-behind. WinUI has started doing this in places. Do you have a link...

> For selector, I think IDE plugin/extension support is required, otherwise it's not more beneficial to use a complex syntax than string literal. Compiler would still validate existence of the...